Recent Residential Development & Subdivision Design

Boardwalk Townhomes

Corona, CA

KWC designed an 8.8-acre, 148 unit townhome community.  Work on the project includes site planning, preliminary and final engineering, numerous reports for onsite and offsite improvements, as well as processing through the Planning Department process including: DPR, PRC, Infrastructure Committee, Planning Commission and City Council, as well as FEMA, and Riverside County Flood Control.  Plans include Project Base Map, Tentative Tract Map, Conceptual Grading Plan, Precise Plan, Mass Grading Plan, Demolition Plan, Erosion Control Plan, Offsite Street Improvement Plans with bicycle lanes (Class II), signing, striping with LLG, Channel Improvement Plan, Water Quality Management Plan, Hydrology and Hydraulic Report, Utility Plan, Sewer and Water Reports, Offsite and Onsite Strom Drain Plans, Retaining Wall Plans, Area Drain Plans as well as a Final Map.

The project was planned and designed three times at the request of the Client.The project was initially intended to be apartments, then condos and finally townhomes.At each revision, General Plan Amendments, Specific Plan Amendments, Conditional Letter of Map Revisions (CLOMR) and Letter of Map Revisions (LOMR) had to be filed.

Linfield Village

Temecula, CA

Located in the City of Temecula, adjacent to Linfield Christian School, Linfield Village is a 312 independent and assisted senior living facility recently entitled by Generations, LLC. The project will consist of independent, assisted, and memory care facilities, associated amenities, and all the necessary utility infrastructure to support this multi-level residential community. 

Alberhill Ranch


KWC provided land planning, entitlements, final engineering, and construction staking for the 2,300-acre multi-phased master-plan community comprised of over 10,000 units, Parks, Lakes, Schools, Lift Stations and Water Reservoir Sites.  Work included the design, analysis, and preparation of grading, drainage systems, and roadway and infrastructure improvements and special studies including: EIR, SP, TUMF Analysis, TIF Reimbursement, WQMP, Water and Sewer Master Plans.

Lake Elsinore City Council approved the Alberhill Villages Specific Plan (AVSP) EIR in March 2017. This project entailed: 1,400 acres consisting of 8,024 residential units and over 1,000,000 sf of commercial space. KWC worked closely with The Planning Associates to complete this large scaled EIR and SP. Engineering analysis of existing hydrology watersheds tributary to the site in Lake Elsinore for future land development purposes was required. Preparation of Unit Hydrograph, hydrology studies, hydraulic analysis for pipe sizing, and detention analysis for detention and debris basins as well as Conceptual WQMP was prepared by the KWC team. Project also included very detailed water and sewer studies approved by EVMWD and incorporated into the EIR Utility sections. This project won the prize for the EIR of Large Master Plan Projects of 2016 by the American Planning Association of the Inland Empire.

Village of Terrassa


KWC recently completed the design of a 20-acre detached condo community in the City of Corona from preliminary engineering through the construction phase. Work included Street Improvement Plans for the widening of approximately 3,000 linear feet of Foothill Parkway from two lanes to five lanes including curb & gutter and sidewalk to match existing improvements. The improvements were TUMF reimbursable through the County of Riverside TUMF Program, therefore the project was designed and bid similarly to a Public Works project. The plans and bid documents were approved by the City of Corona, County of Riverside, MWD and Caltrans. The project also included nine (9) storm drain laterals with catch basins, landscape medians and traffic signals. Our work effort included design surveys, street cross-sections, joining existing pavement, curb, gutter, sidewalk, and drainage design of pavement, and ac overlay. KWC also provided construction staking.

Skyline Heights


The 294 single-family residential lot project in the southern hills of Corona included the design of offsite, open space drainage through the site and around Mabey Canyon (a RCFC&WCD Capital Improvement Project). KWC prepared the Tentative Map as well as the supporting documents including the Preliminary Hydrology and Basin Routing Report and the Water Quality Management Plan which consisted of five (5) WQMP basins and outlet storm drain connections to improved and unimproved downstream properties. The basins were designed to RCFC&WCD Basin Standards with 4:1 side slopes and access roads.  

KWC prepared a sewer system analysis for the Skyline Heights TTM 36544 project in the City of Corona. The analyze onsite and downstream sewer system impacts as part of the development of a 271-acre residential development in South Corona. The scope included analyzing several reaches of sewer mains to determine deficient segments based on results of flow depth and pipe capacities and cost analysis for pipeline replacement.

Willow Ranch KB Homes: TR 30480 

Eastvale, CA 

KWC provided tentative mapping through final construction staking services on a 316-unit residential subdivision in the Eastvale area of Riverside County including major roadway and median improvements on Archibald Avenue, design & staking of a Bio-Swale, complete analysis of onsite/offsite hydrology/hydraulics, and coordination with Riverside County Flood Control & Water Conservation District related to the improvement of Chandler Channel. KWC provided project design, coordination with SCE and incorporated the site roadways to not impact the existing SCE 66 KV lines that bisect the property.

This project incorporated the County’s Pick-A-Lot (PAC) process which allowed homebuyers to choose their own lot and home. 

Paradise Valley Specific Plan

Glorious land company, Llc

Land planning and entitlement of a master planned community and new town concept of over 8,000 homes, associated backbone infrastructure, a town center, and local agency coordination. The project is located approximately 10 miles east of the City of Coachella and proposes to be incorporated within the Coachella Valley Water District service area. Mr. Barnett continues to provide strong communication and builds lasting relationships with the Coachella Valley Water District key personnel and staff.

River Road Village

Montage Development 

Precise Grading, Sewer, Water, Storm Drain and Street Improvements.  KWC also prepared Tract Map and condominium plans, provided Construction Support and Precise Grade Certifications for this 67-unit project.  Scope included plans for a 26 foot deep sewer outfall to provide a gravity sewer to the project and other offsite areas.  This sewer line included a 350 foot jack and bore under the intersection of River and Cota to maintain traffic and avoid impacts to existing utilities and landscaping.  Scope also included plans for replacement of an old water line in Cota Street.
Project implemented new WQMP measures by installation of a gravel blanket below the storm drain for ground water infiltration and installation of Stormceptor devices.

Project is complete with nearly 100% occupancy.

Pacific Clay Master Planned Community

Lake Elsinore, CA

Engineering analysis of existing Rice Canyon and other watersheds tributary to the Pacific Clay site in Lake Elsinore for future land development purposes. Preparation of Unit Hydrograph, hydrology studies, hydraulic analysis for pipe sizing, and detention analysis for detention and debris basins for 1,400-acre master planned community.